Thursday, April 4, 2013

Normal Mapping

Normal Mapping

  Normal mapping is a procedure in which you can create a lot of detail within a low-poly model.  It creates quality and visually appealing graphics without having to create huge taxing models which can slow down your game.

  The first means of normal mapping is creating a highly detailed model.  With this model, you would show all the fine detail that you want if your final model.  You would then take a second model, however you would create a significantly lower detailed model.  This model would however have to be similar to the high detailed model, or else the normal map will not be applied correctly.  This is known as creating a high-poly and low-poly rendition of your character.

  After this is done, you would then create a normal map.

  This is what a normal map looks like.  The reason you see a lot of blue and red/purple is because this map shows the normal's of the model.  With this data, when you apply a normal map to a low poly model, it applies the normal's to the necessary geometry, and with lighting, creates depth and shadows showing fine detail.  However if you go right up to the model itself, you will actually see that the model's geometry has not changed at all.  This is why lighting is key, because without it, you would not see the detail that the normal map creates.

  Here, you can see a low-poly model, a high-poly model, and then the low-poly model with the normal map applied.  You can't even tell the difference between the low-poly and high-poly model and the normal-mapped model is not nearly as expensive in computing power as the high-poly model.  This is what makes normal-mapping so fantastic, and so helpful.  You can create these amazingly detailed models without destroying your frame rate.

  Since this is an in-expensive way to produce high-quality models, and creates visually appealing graphics, it is used extensively in games today.  You can normal map anything, and in the end, you get a gorgeous game.

Tune in for my next blog!

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